Shot Craps

In a story I couldn't be less interested in, I nonetheless found something interesting:

AP: Tom Dimmock can't afford to be that leisurely. After more than a week trapped on the Illinois River, the 59-year-old retired lawyer from Raleigh, N.C., and his wife have a flight to catch Tuesday out of St. Louis. The couple will leave their 46-foot powerboat docked in Missouri for the next couple of weeks, then eventually fly back to resume their adventure.

By Monday afternoon, the battery on Dimmock's cell phone had just about shot craps. But he had enough time through the crackling reception to tell a reporter what he thought about getting the green light to shove off.

"shot craps" ? I've never heard that phrase used as a way to say "died" or "kicked the bucket" or "bit the dust", etc.. Is it a regional thing ?

4 thoughts on “Shot Craps

  1. cleek

    we use “shit the bed” here in NC, too. but then again, most everyone we know is from the NE…

    i suppose the reporter wanted to say “crapped out”, but couldn’t get it past his editor.

  2. Atlantys

    I use shit the bed all the time (NW)

    But maybe that’s because I love Tool’s “Rosetta Stoned”

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