Our Mothman Prophecy

We were up in Cleveland a couple of weeks ago, for a funeral. I took this picture out the hotel window.

Canon SD630

That's the roof of the front entrance of the hotel. Dig the crazy puddle.

A few days after I took that, on the way back to NC, we stopped at the small town of Point Pleasant, WV, which was the site of the events that the book and movie The Mothman Prophecies was based on. Back in '65, people started seeing UFOs. and a giant winged man, they started having crazy dreams about Christmas presents floating down the Ohio river, etc.. And then it all ended with a spectacular bridge collapse in mid-December '66: dozens of people were killed when their cars fell into the icy Ohio river. All of this - the UFOs, the dreams, the winged man, and the bridge collapse - has been lumped together in the "Mothman" legend. So, the town of Point Pleasant has a Mothman museum (a storefront, formerly a record store), a couple of gift shops, and an annual Mothman Festival. It's all a bit tacky, but fun.

Here he is:

Canon SD630

Hmmm. He looks a lot like that puddle, doesn't he? Think it was a prophecy?

2 thoughts on “Our Mothman Prophecy

  1. Sara Gothard

    Definitely a resemblance between the mystery puddle and the mothman! Do you mind if I use your mothman photo on my own blog? I will credit it. The entry in which I plan to use it should be up by the end of the day. Please visit http://www.thecelerymuseum.com and take a look at the first post. If you have any objections, I will take it down immediately. Many thanks.

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