Not a Parody

Incels, an online community of involuntarily celibate men who feel ostracized from society, erupted into chaos this week when one of them announced that he’d finally had sex with a woman.

3 thoughts on “Not a Parody

  1. Nooneithinkisinmytree

    Given the Incel manifestos issued, particularly in the House of Rapeinsentitives, should we be investigating this limp ass conservative movement whiner for forced penetration. Maybe he merely offered to eliminate her unreported hooker taxes and suffered a premature ejaculation in an empty motel room near an elementary school and then the Tucker Carlson blow-up doll he showed up with suffered a slow leak and hissed sweet nothings into his ear.

    Maybe he was watching CSpan as the McConnell filth in the Senate voted down the Equal Rights Amendment again, and he imagined the moment as a sexual act.

    Did the Blue Angels, at the request of Lauren Boehbert perform a flyover in honor of his burst, but juiceless Republican subhuman cherry?

    Was there gunfire involved?

    If it was in the State of Texas, gunfire is now a required accompaniment to their requieted sexual perversions, even when livestock are involved in their fake Christian mangers.

    Will be he suing his victim for pursuing an abortion?

    I expect his swimmers didn’t make to the end of the pool.

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