3 thoughts on “NCDHHS

  1. iamr4man

    On March 4th my wife and I traveled to New Jersey to visit our son and his family. When he picked us up he told us New Jersey had its first confirmed case of Coronavirus. This morning I was wondering what became of that person so looked it up on Google. Turns out he was a 32 year old medical assistant. He spent 19 days in the hospital and is currently at home but still recovering because of lung damage caused by the virus and is on oxygen. I’m guessing that his youth and relative health was the reason for his survival. I’m 67 myself and wonder if I would have made it through such a serious illness.
    One of the things that has been bugging me about the news coverage of the disease is how little it focuses on those who needed intensive care but didn’t die. To me it’s kind of like the coverage of the Iraq war where they gave numbers of deaths and “wounded” but never said what those wounds were. Were they John Wayne “it’s just a flesh wound”s or were they more serious? It wasn’t until Cher called in to a radio show to say how a lot of guys had catastrophic wounds such as lost limbs that we learned the seriousness of the situation. I remember wondering at the time why it took Cher to get this information out. And, as I’m sure you know, it turned out many of those wounds were caused by IEDs and insufficiently armored vehicles. Who knows when/if this would have come out if not for Cher?
    My point here is that with regard to the numbers of relative few deaths for younger people, those numbers give the young a false sense of security. How many of the ICU patients are in the younger categories? How many will be recovering for years or even having lung damage that is permanent? The news is silent on this. Maybe we can ask Cher.

    1. cleek Post author

      yeah. interesting question.

      i think i remember hearing from Spain or France that, at one point, something like 45% of their ICU beds were for people under 50. like you said, they recover, often with permanent lung damage, though.

  2. Girl from the North Country

    Yeah, like the recent retaliatory Iranian attacks just caused “headaches” to American troops. I have the impression the true situation is getting out, however, without Cher’s help. Maybe not to the hardcore Trumpistas though.

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