In Bruise

We have a pair of office chairs in the 'office' in our house. These are just standard five-wheeled office chairs. And, as I always do, I had the ball of my right foot resting on one of the spokes of the base (or whatever you call the things on which each of the wheels are mounted). After a half hour or so, I stood up. And when I put weight on my right foot, I discovered a huge lump in my the ball of that foot, right in front of where I had it resting on the spoke. And it hurt like crazy. Over the next couple of days, the swelling went down, it turned purple on both the bottom and top of that foot, and even between my first and second toes. So, I must've broken a blood vessel, or otherwise screwed up the blood flow in that spot.

And, this morning, while drinking a cup of tea, I was resting that same foot on that same spoke. When I stood up, that same lump was back, in the exact same place , and it hurts like hell to walk on it.

I am not liking my 40s.

4 thoughts on “In Bruise

  1. Countme-a-Demon

    Well, stop doing that, would ya!

    At this rate, it will count as a pre-existing condition, according to Ryan, Rump, and Mulvaney, our new team of doctors.

  2. Rob Caldecott

    I slammed the boot of car shut two weeks ago and sprained my thumb. It’s still not right.

    Aches and pains are now a thing.

  3. joel hanes

    Three weeks ago Thursday, watching whales off the SE Alaska coast, I stood on the observation deck of a ship in cold drizzle, warm and dry above the knees, but wearing shorts and sandals, so my lower legs got cold and wet — as they have gotten hundeds of times sailing and canoeing in Canda and skiing in wet falling snow and delivering papers and hunting. But THIS this time I got severe chilblains on all skin between ankle and knee. Two weeks of tight skin and hives and inflammation and itching.

    Getting old suxxors, but it beats the alternative, at least for a while.

  4. cleek Post author

    i’m seriously thinking about quitting running. i think my left hip is the only part of my legs that doesn’t hurt right now.

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