The Devil In The Details

Buried in the results of a recent PPP poll of South Carolina:


I can see why pulling the pollsters' leg and responding "yes, she is the devil" for jollies. But "not sure" ?

Here's another good one:

ACORN dissolved itself in 2010. It will not be stealing any elections.

21 thoughts on “The Devil In The Details

  1. JenBob

    Errr….saying that ACORN “dissolved itself” is a very misleading statement.

    They were DESTROYED when their actions were exposed by undercover camera. No one wanted to be associated with them and their funds dried up.

    They were dirty, dirty, dirty and the world saw it.

    Good riddance !

    1. John Weiss

      Phooey! An asshole did covert interview and edited the phuck out of ’em and congress panicked. Don’t get around much do you?

      1. JenBob

        The issue was that ACORN “dissolved themselves” as if it was some voluntary action.

        A kinder and gentler, but untrue, characterization of ACORN’s demise.

        1. cleek Post author

          actually, it’s entirely true. they chose to close shop rather than suffer the continued torrent of manufactured “conservative” bullshit.

      1. JenBob

        oh, I can agree that Me. O’Keefe didn’t play it straight. I also can agree that the investigation did not lead to any indictments.

        What I’m contending is the spotlight that was shown on ACORN showed an organization that was using federal tax money to fund liberal Democratic agendas. And once the public was more aware of this spending, congress was forced to cut off funding. I think that’s pretty much a matter of history.

        1. cleek Post author

          can you also agree that the organization doesn’t exist and that the people who think it’s going to steal the election for HRC are fucking bananas?

          liberal Democratic agendas

          such as?

          1. JenBob

            Thank you for the opportunity to espouse.
            While ACORN doesn’t exist, that doesn’t mean that all of the supporters disappeared. They just morphed into other organizations.

            Liberal Agenda
            Here are but a few examples I truly believe liberals would like to see happen:

            Higher taxes.

            Bigger federal government

            More powerful centralized government through federal oversight of local law enforcement and state and local courts.

            Control of over elections instead of states.

            Citizens and residents would have virtually the same rights.

            More powerful centralized government through increased federal bureaucracies that regulate business.

            Socialized healthcare

            Expansion of the welfare state

            Curb individual gun rights.

            Curb free speech (creation of “hate speech” concept and political correctness)

            Creation of Civilian National Security Force

            Makes states rights a thing of the past

            Mainstreaming sexual deviancy

            Erase God from the public square

                1. cleek Post author

                  you wrote this:
                  What I’m contending is the spotlight that was shown on ACORN showed an organization that was using federal tax money to fund liberal Democratic agendas.


                  1. JenBob

                    Did you follow the platform link provided?
                    Let’s save some time here. Which of ACORN’s stated goals did you NOT think are also part of the liberal Democratic agenda?

                    1. cleek Post author


                      back to my question: can you also agree that the organization doesn’t exist and that the people who think it’s going to steal the election for HRC are fucking bananas?

  2. JenBob

    I don’t think ACORN exists and I don’t think it will steal the election.
    I really haven’t heard this meme.

    So, who’s saying this?

  3. JenBob

    OK, I found it. It was a poll by

    The question assumes that ACORN lives and most people aren’t paying attention.

    The liberal media thinks they have really found something. And it’s only bat-shit crazy sites that report this with a straight face.

    Maybe you’d also like to see jimmy Kimmel ask Democrats if they agree with Donald Trump’s statements when they’re told they were made by Hillary?

    I’ll spare you the video where millenials that think Karl Marx running as a third party candidate is a good idea.

  4. JenBob

    I don’t think you’re getting the picture.
    I all of this were some big truth, it would not just be the bat-shit crazy sites carrying this story. Major news outlets such as the LA Times, New York Times etc. would be pushing this. They know it’s a trick.

    It’s the same technique that Jimmy Kimmel uses to trick those people on the street. And the other side does it as well. You just have to be mature enough to know propaganda when you see it.

    1. cleek Post author

      no, i don’t think you’re getting the picture. it doesn’t matter at all where they got the idea. it doesn’t matter if there is someone pushing the idea or if it’s just something that the dolts in the GOP base believe in their guts. what matters is that they believe something that’s both impossible and stupid.

  5. JenBob

    OK, have it your way. I think it’s a trick. Here’s an article on stupid click-bait polls. Polls that have no real news value. Polls that major news media feel are so unimportant and biased that they choose not to report them.

    And if you think this is limited to your perceived enemies… just isn’t true.

    The Case Against Dumb, Click-Bait Polls

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