

Exterior painting is complete. Interior painting is in progress. Gutters are up. Landscaping is in progress. Heat and AC and plumbing and electrical are all in. Cabinets are sitting in the warehouse, waiting to be installed. There's a huge box of bathtub plumbing fixtures sitting in our apartment kitchen. We picked out countertop material, again, last weekend - four times now.

A friend of ours works at a very large flooring company and has arranged us a whopper of a discount on flooring. But, the stuff we picked is on back order until mid-June. That could push the finish date even more. Right now, our apartment lease is up end of July. We're trying to figure out if we need to bump it another month. We started this process in January 2015, FFS.

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But, progress.

Money is getting very low. But, we're very close to the end. Hopefully we won't have to borrow any more from family. And best case, there will be enough left over that we can finish the driveway. We'll see.

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