Greyed Expectations

Last fall, someone I didn't know msg'd me on Facebook.  He wanted to ask about band I was in in the early 90s. Said he had a copy of a 45 we put out and was wondering if we had recorded anything else. I said indeed we did, and gave him a link. Then he said he was from a record label and was interested in putting out a new release of all of our stuff, remastered, repackaged, stamped onto 12" vinyl. Paid for by the label.

"The fuck!?" I exclaimed. Surely this is a scam? But, I asked around and it turns out that the guy was legit. He is a friend of a friend and he is re-releasing records from bands who were active in the early 90s in the city where I went to college.

So, I contacted the other guys from the band, and we all agreed to do it. How very exciting to learn that someone liked our 20 year old songs enough to spend their own money to put them on vinyl!

There was quarter-serious talk of a reunion. But with which bass player? They're both on the recordings. Awkward!

Then the holidays came and interrupted progress. OK. That's expected. But then the new year came there was no word. So we inquired and the label told us they didn't have any money to do our record. Maybe next year.

And that's the last we've heard from them.

Almost a star, again.

4 thoughts on “Greyed Expectations

    1. cleek Post author

      and there must be at least three other people out there who can do that! (including me and the singer)

      the sales potential is almost unlimited! their loss, i guess.

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