Monthly Archives: August 2017

Right On

A new study from the University of South Australia has found that a person's knees, elbows and shoulders work differently when they walk if they use marijuana.

The study, from the University of South Australia, found that there are differences between the way marijuana users and non-users walk.

Specifically, marijuana users have stiffer shoulders, more flexible elbows and quicker knees, which move faster than those of non-users, while walking.


Happy birthday, R Crumb.

To Be Self-Evident

Joe Arpaio is a former AZ Sheriff who is famous for being - to put it mildly - an absolute asshole to minorities. When a court told him to stop, he told them to fuck off. Which put him in contempt of court. And that made him into a 'conservative' martyr.

And now he is Trump's first pardon.

I sure hope nobody is still wondering why minorities don't seem to like the Republican Party very much.

In Bruise

We have a pair of office chairs in the 'office' in our house. These are just standard five-wheeled office chairs. And, as I always do, I had the ball of my right foot resting on one of the spokes of the base (or whatever you call the things on which each of the wheels are mounted). After a half hour or so, I stood up. And when I put weight on my right foot, I discovered a huge lump in my the ball of that foot, right in front of where I had it resting on the spoke. And it hurt like crazy. Over the next couple of days, the swelling went down, it turned purple on both the bottom and top of that foot, and even between my first and second toes. So, I must've broken a blood vessel, or otherwise screwed up the blood flow in that spot.

And, this morning, while drinking a cup of tea, I was resting that same foot on that same spoke. When I stood up, that same lump was back, in the exact same place , and it hurts like hell to walk on it.

I am not liking my 40s.

Pimping Strangers' Rides with Cardboard

Photographer Max Siedentopf has no idea who the cars in his photos belong to. What he did know the second he saw them, is that they were in dire need of an upgrade.

Armed with a few pieces of cardboard and masking tape, he set out on the streets of Amsterdam looking for the most average cars he could find. He often had to work quickly to stick on his custom-made fenders and wings before someone would see him and ask what he was up to. After he customised all the Peugots, Lancias and Volkswagens, he'd snap a picture and take off, leaving the pimped ride for the owners to find the next morning.


Health Attacks


According to medical records reviewed exclusively by CBS News, a U.S. doctor who evaluated American and Canadian diplomats working in Havana diagnosed them with conditions as serious as mild traumatic brain injury, and with likely damage to the central nervous system.

The diplomats complained about symptoms ranging from hearing loss and nausea to headaches and balance disorders after the State Department said "incidents" began affecting them beginning in late 2016. A source familiar with these incidents says officials are investigating whether the diplomats were targets of a type of sonic attack directed at their homes, which were provided by the Cuban government. The source says reports of more attacks affecting U.S. embassy workers on the island continue.


Trying to avoid one kind of social media backlash, ESPN has stumbled into another with Asian announcer Robert Lee no longer assigned to call the University of Virginia’s home football opener in Charlottesville.


“We collectively made the decision with Robert to switch games as the tragic events in Charlottesville were unfolding, simply because of the coincidence of his name,” ESPN said in a statement. “In that moment it felt right to all parties. It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue.”

This has to be a joke.

No, not a joke, but not exactly as described by the piece above.

ESPN writes:

This wasn’t about offending anyone. It was about the reasonable possibility that because of his name he wold be subjected to memes and jokes and who knows what else. Think about it. Robert Lee comes to town to do a game in Charlottesville. The reaction to our switching a young, anonymous play by play guy for a streamed ACC game is off the charts — reasonable proof that the meme/joke possibility was real.

So, when the protests in Charlottesville were happening, we raised with him the notion of switching games. Something we do all the time. We didn’t make him. We asked him. Eventually we mutually agreed to switch.

No biggie until someone leaked it to embarrass us and him. They got their way.

No politically correct efforts. No race issues. Just trying to be supportive of a young guy who felt it best to avoid the potential zoo.”