Tuesday Cat Blogging

Nikon D90, 18-110mm

Pepper saw snow for the first time today, and she freaked the fuck out.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Cat Blogging

  1. Rob Caldecott

    Great picture. I love it how, when the weather is not to their liking, cats come and look at you as if they think you can change it. We get it every time it rains – Boo wanders in and looks at me as if to say ‘well don’t just sit there, make the bloody rain stop!’.

  2. cleek

    for about two hours, Pepper ran from window to window as fast as she could, trying to figure out WTF was going on.

    crazy little thing.

  3. bedtimeforbonzo

    Great expression, Pepper.

    Snow does seem to be mystical to the cat world.

    Liked Rob’s comments above.

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