Monthly Archives: September 2013


Hey, speaking of "international norms"...

What about the norm where Country A, which has not been threatened or attacked by Country B, doesn't attack country B?

Doesn't breaking that norm result is a loss of credibility?

W gave us a pretty definitive the answer to that one: Yes.

So, are there different credibilities at play here?

Regime Change!

Here we go.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee adopted by voice vote Wednesday two amendments by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to the resolution authorizing military action in Syria that would make it the goal of the mission to "change the moment on the battlefield in Syria."

The two McCain amendments to that effect, co-sponsored by Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), change the non-binding Statement of Policy in the resolution to say:

It is the policy of the United States to change the momentum on the battlefield in Syria so as to create favorable conditions for a negotiated settlement that ends the conflict and leads to a democratic government in Syria.

That's the stuff!

By Remote Control

Some dirty fucking hippie once said this:

We veterans can only look with amazement on the fact that this country has been unable to see there is absolutely no difference between ground troops and a helicopter crew, and yet people have accepted a differentiation fed them by the administration. No ground troops are in Laos, so it is all right to kill Laotians by remote control. But believe me the helicopter crews fill the same body bags and they wreak the same kind of damage on the Vietnamese and Laotian countryside as anybody else and the President is talking about allowing this to go on for many years to come. One can only ask if we will really be satisfied only when the troops march into Hanoi.

I wonder what became of that guy? Probably living on a mountain somewhere in New Hampshire, growing pot and spaghetti squash.

Iron Maiden

Saw Maiden and Megadeth last night. Somehow I missed seeing them back in the 80s, so I couldn't say no this time.

It was at the local big music venue, outdoors, hot as fuck, filled with tens of thousands of men in black T-shirts and a handful of the women who love them.

I was worried that they'd do a set of all new stuff, as happened to a friend who saw them a couple of years back. But, they did a set list that was (according to Bruce Dickinson) mostly based on a set list from their "Seventh Son..." tour (1988). So, they did mostly oldies classics: at least three from Number Of The Beast, three from their first album, a lot from Seventh Son..>, etc.. Perfect! The band was in fine form: tight but happy to clown around from time to time. Dickinson was spry and charmingly hammy. 15' Eddie came out and waved his sword around. Giant background Eddie held his Eddie-as-mandala seal. Flags were waved, sacred chants were praised. Three guitar players played leads either solo, or in pairs, or all at once. Steve Harris galloped along while Nico thundered away in his cage.

It was the loudest outdoor show I've ever been to - laid awake hoping the ringing would subside (hasn't yet). And the crowd was even louder. Metalheads love them some Maiden. Shirts were $40, and everybody had one.

The sound was the basic big venue mud. But at least they turned the vocals up so we could all gape at how well Dickinson could still sing.

Megadeth's sound was pretty bad. And I only recognized one song: Peace Sells... (Mrs recognized two). I should've studied. Thankfully, Mustaine kept his politics to himself.

No pix. iPhones aren't great in the dark.

The Foot In The Door For Boots On The Ground

When the predicate of an 'if' seems likely, it's no longer much of an 'if'; it's more like a 'when'.

Secretary of State John Kerry told a panel of senators that he couldn’t absolutely rule out the use of U.S. combat troops in Syria if groups hostile to the United States seized any of Syria’s chemical weapons.

Lawmakers' concerns that America would be drawn into a broader conflict – already evident among many members of the Senate – deepened when Kerry speculated openly at a hearing Tuesday about the circumstances under which the U.S. might deploy combat troops in Syria.
