Monthly Archives: August 2011

The All-Important Sad-sack Endorsement

TBogg notes this interview with Joey Bagajowels:

MCCASLIN: Will you be supporting Barack Obama in 2012 or are you going to be putting your money on a Republican candidate?

LIEBERMAN: Well I haven’t decided and I’m just waiting to see who the Republican candidate is and what President Obama’s positions are at that point, so I got a little time as an independent not to feel rushed, because this is an important position. And I’m only one person but for every one of us who we support next year is going to say a lot about how our kids and grandkids are going to grow up in America, so I’m watching.

Well, dipshit, you know who the possible Republicans are. Any of them seem like they'll be better, in any way, than Obama? Tough question?

This kind of stupidity probably puts him back in the good graces of the professional Obama-hating left, though. Maybe that will be enough to keep them from black facing his picture this time 'round. Hope so. Be he insufferable or not, black facing someone ain't cool.