John Boehner, Pandering Fabulist

Among other things, House Minority Leader John Boehner recently said:

"There's a political rebellion brewing, and I don't think we've seen anything like it since 1776."

John, you ignorant slut... Look, I get that teabaggers like to pretend they're direct spiritual descendants of the people who overthrew the British government (way back when it took more than mindlessly forwarding fallacious emails to be a rebel). But are you seriously saying that the "rebellion" today -- which consists of old white people complaining about the things happening in their Fox-addled imaginations -- is a bigger deal than the Civil War ? I mean, in terms of rebellion, the Civil War kinda blows the American Revolution out of the water. Twenty five times more people died in the Civil War than died in the Revolution. 625,000 dead is a hell of a rebellion. How many teabaggers have done more than garden variety political activism ?

Hell, the teabaggers haven't managed to gin up anything that compares even to the Whiskey Rebellion -- which would make a much better parallel for the teabaggers, since it was a rebellion over a tax that was enacted in order to pay down the national debt. I suppose historical accuracy isn't really the point. But still...

Smarter demagogues, please.

3 thoughts on “John Boehner, Pandering Fabulist

  1. Origuy

    I don’t think they quite know what to do about the Civil War, since a lot of their supporters seem to think that the wrong side won. For example, that guy Barber in Alabama who linked paying taxes with slavery, despite the fact that Lincoln instituted the first general income tax, would like people to think that it was the North that was rebelling against the Confederacy.

  2. Caterina Seder

    I think everyone in the White House, Congress, Senators ETC…. Should all be paid no more than $20.00 an hour for a 8 hour day Monday – Friday. That would be a great budget cut itself. They are not doing their jobs very well anyway. They spend to much of our funds on entertainment on our tax dollars. They send to much of our American Money to other countries when they should keep it here in the USA. We always send money to other countries for their needs while the American People receive nothing.You have American People living in sewer drains and under freeways and alley ways. The list could go on and on. AMERICANS NEED TO STAND TOGETHER!!!!

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