Theocratic Fools

TPM links to a poll:

(Republicans) Do you believe in global warming or not?
Believe in global warming ............................... 25%
Do not believe in global warming .................... 66%
Not sure .......................................................... 10%

(Republicans) Do you believe in evolution or not?
Believe in evolution......................................... 37%
Do not believe in evolution.............................. 49%
Not sure .......................................................... 13%

(Republicans) Would you support or oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion?
Support establishing Christianity as the national religion............................................... 57%
Oppose establishing Christianity as the national religion............................................... 30%
Not sure .......................................................... 13%

And these aren't even the stupid "Tea Party" Republicans:

(Republicans) Do you consider yourself to be a member of the Tea Party?
Yes.................................................................. 27%
No ................................................................... 60%
Not sure .......................................................... 12%

We are fucked.

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