"Mostly True"

Self-appointed fact-checker, Politifact tells us what is true:

For 2011, Gallup found that the largest group of Americans identify as conservative, at 40 percent. Another 35 percent identify as moderate, while 21 percent identify as liberal.
Rubio said that the majority of Americans are conservative. A respected ongoing poll from Gallup shows that conservatives are the largest ideological group, but they don’t cross the 50 percent threshold. So we rate his statement Mostly True.

So, it's "mostly true" that 40% is a majority.

Is it mostly true that Walter Mondale won the 1984 election ? I guess it must be!


3 thoughts on “"Mostly True"

    1. cleek

      hey, mm.

      yeah, i’m feelin a little burned-out on the whole daily outrage thing. can’t find the energy to care enough about the little things to want to argue about them. but this one was too funny to not repeat :)

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