Name That Tune #24


Name That Tune!

There are twenty song clips below, from twenty different songs. Name the song and the artist.


  1. You get 1 point if you name the song.
  2. You get 1 point if you name the artist.
  3. Leave your answers in comments.
  4. If you've never commented here before, you'll be in moderation until I free you. Don't worry, I'll get to it.
  5. Your answers will be hidden from everyone but me.
  6. The contest ends on Friday, November 9th, 11:00AM my time - east coast US. I'll reveal the comments, and the answers, and total up the points, then.
  7. Hints for any song which hasn't been identified yet will be provided, Thursday PM.


Clip Hints Clip Hints
Song #1 -- Song #11 --
Song #2 -- Song #12 --
Song #3 -- Song #13 --
Song #4 -- Song #14 --
Song #5 An early SF jam band Song #15 Part of a NOLA musical dynasty
Song #6 -- Song #16 --
Song #7 -- Song #17 --
Song #8 -- Song #18 --
Song #9 -- Song #19 --
Song #10 -- Song #20 --

OK? Go!

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