WORD: Schismogenesis

It comes in four flavors:

  • That group over there does X. We are not that group, so we must do ~X to differentiate ourselves from them.
  • They are doing X and that threatens us! We must also do X to threaten them! Oh no, they are doing Xn + 1, we must also do Xn + 1!
  • He is a very aggressive conversationalist! I must also be aggressive in order to be heard! ... It turns out we agree, but in a very disagreeable manner!
  • I am working very hard, but she is not. I will reduce my effort. Oh no, she sees me doing less and now she is doing less! I'll show her how little I can do!

And it explains a lot.


5 thoughts on “WORD: Schismogenesis

  1. nooneithinkisinmytree


    I turned black when white rapey dude Clarence Thomas done pubic-sized my cola.

    I turned black when Albino Republican Byron Donalds thanked me for Jim Crow from the white side of the tracks.

    I turned black when fat-ass big white buck Christian late night taxi driver wife beater Mark Robinson threatened to lynch me a few weeks ago, sayin skinny-assed liberal black, gay, mexican folk like me need to be killed.

    I turned black initially when my white granpappy said “Johnny, look at the nigger!” as we rode down Central Avenue in Middletown Ohio, my birthplace, later invaded by fake hillbilly drug-addled wife-beating, cat-drowning white trash whose names shall go unmentioned. We was in grandpa’s Caddie and darned if Grandpa wasn’t looking at ME when he said lookysee.

  2. nooneithinkisinmytree

    I’ve never had so many evil vermin seek to murder me.



    The violent, racist, antisemitic, genocidal conservative movement, the Republican Party, is now Putin’s Wagner Group. They are Houthis. They are Hezbollah. They are Hamas. They are the Schutzstaffel. They are the Manson Family. They are Christian murderous vermin. They are the Red Guard. They are the genocidal popes and the genocidal Protestants. They are Lieutenant Calley. They are smallpox. They are cancer.

    When will my federal and state governments perform their basic function of protecting me from being murdered by these animals by executing all of them.

  3. nooneithinkisinmytree

    I don’t understand why Biden/Harris didn’t include Trump and his fake hillbilly heckler in the Russian prisoner exchange.

    I guess Putin figured they are better employed as Deep State Russian bots in client state America.

  4. nooneithinkisinmytree


    Conservative movement election thieves like Maduro deserve a far worse finality than going down in history like a villain.

    The deserve to go down in history, as Maduro will, and Mussolini did, hung upside down by their ankles with their bellies sliced open and dogs savagely eating their guts off the pavement.

    Arming an entire country’s citizens with military grade weaponry and then stealing elections from those armed citizens (I don’t consider racist vermin MAGA conservatives as U.S. Citizens; they are terrorists) seems an invitation to nuclear apocalypse.

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