7 thoughts on “Welp...

  1. nooneithinkisinmytree


    Everything in America, every conversation, every election, every transaction will be adjudicated by conservative military-grade weaponry.

    I predict:

    Trump and the fascist subhuman Republican Party will enact national legislation removing the right to bear arms from anyone not registered as a Republican and not proven to vote for conservative Christian and libertarian bacteria. Gun dealers and manufacturers will of their own volition refuse to sell arms and ammunition to anyone not pledged as a Trump voter in writing. They, plus all subhuman right wing law enforcement, will back such a law.

    The reptilian Supreme Court will bless this new development, with Whitey Jim Crow Thomas adding a concurrence that leaves lynching up to the states.

    Trump and his vermin fascist traitorous minions have been swinging deals with their fellow authoritarian genocidal leaders abroad to support the falling of the darkness of authoritarian Christian fascism over America. Putin has agreed to negotiate news nuclear arms treaties with Trump which would call, in the advent of nuclear war, for Russia to drop their full nuclear armaments only on states and cities in America which identify as BLUE, while sparing the centers of fascist right wing murder, Texas, that rathole of fascism, Florida, and of course most of the rest of the old (now new) Confederacy, and subhuman states like Arizona, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. Iowa too, though it will be surrounded by nuclear devastation.

    European countries who do not tow the Putin/Trump line will also be vaporized and incinerated. The usual fascist suspects, now in the ascendancy, will be spared and elevated to postions where they can finish off the few survivor human beings.

    Meanwhile, The Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia, formerly the retreat for the elite Confederate slaveowners and which I recently visited, and now and for years the deep underground site of the national nuclear war bomb shelter for the U.S Congress, will be declared by Trump to be off limits and closed to all liberals, Democrats, and RINOs in Congress and others who have not paid personal fealty to that shit for brains monster in the advent of nuclear devastation. Their places will be taken by subhuman fascist conservative billionaires and Wall Streeters who have licked Trump’s perineum and been photographed doing so, a long list of rightwing commentators, and a selection of docile porn stars and fascist religious leaders who have signed NDAs.

    All who are properly vetted and recieved into the bomb shelters will of course be charged a hefty membership fee, and exorbitant monthly rents to be deposited into Trump’s bank, the U.S Federal Reserve, reserved only for conservative vermin. Don’t think for a moment Mitt Romney won’t be on his filthy scabbed knees proffering his ill-gotten lucre and first in line at the tony bar on the first floor buying rounds of mint juleps for his fellow autocrats.

    I will be murdered by the God-fearing anti-American conservative movement.

  2. nooneithinkisinmytree

    Trump, pure EVIL, one hour before some plexiglass nicked his tin ear:

    “ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE IN ONE HOUR! When I take the rally stage, I could be making a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT that’s sure to strike FEAR into the hearts of our DEEP STATE ENEMIES.”

    Gonna be nice now, sez reptilian traitor Tucker Carlson:

    “Imagine he gave a speech featuring something he rarely shows: humility. Imagine him telling the nation that he has been too rough, too loose, too combative with his language — and now realizes words can have consequences, and promises to tone it down and bring new voices into the White House if he wins.”

    “People who know Trump well say he’s a gracious host, inquisitive, loves music and social media. This is the kind of moment when people give leaders a second look, a second chance.”

    America is fucking dead fascist roadkill.

  3. nooneithinkisinmytree

    Adolf and his stormtroopers are now planning and designing a monument of Trump’s, the martyred GOD’s, iconic photo-op, to replace those fucking losers and suckers portrayed in the Iwo Jima Memorial.

    All of this is absolute truth.

    You know how I know it is the absolute truth.

    Because Karl Rove said whatever a stinking American sez is true. Reality.

    America is Death.


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