Counting the minutes

... for Peter Gabriel to start.

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13 thoughts on “Counting the minutes

  1. nooneithinkisinmytree

    Riddle of the day:

    How many handless Brett Bellmores does it take to screw in an incandescent lightbulb?

  2. nooneithinkisinmytree

    The whirlwind is in the thorn tree:

    The only way the subhuman genocidal conservative movement is going to enforce its laws is via savage killing violence.

    It is written. Get ready.

    We could use a couple of divisions of hardened veteran Ukrainian infantry airlifted into America right now to de-Putinize the vermin, anti-American conservative movment.

  3. nooneithinkisinmytree

    They should be used as currency because the government can’t trace them.

    Although they do block the sunshine emanating from his Christian fundament.

  4. russell

    wadja think of Gabriel? didn’t go myself but lotta folks I know went and thought it was a borderline life-changing show.

    and yeah, Bellmore’s a monomaniacal nut and the new speaker of the House is a god-botherer for sure.

    crazy freaking world.

  5. nooneithinkisinmytree

    Utterly corrupt paid-off conservative movement vermin:

    This is what America gets when subhuman grifting American Christianity and Putin’s foreign agent traitors merge.

    There’s a reason why crypto-religious conservative terrorists make people get down on their knees.

    Texas should change its name to God’s RapeLand.

    No Rule Of Law. Fuck America.

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