Lock Up The Vote

Let's say you had a bunch of people counted by the census - thus counted for determining the populations of Congressional districts - who were all located in one small space, and yet none of them could vote. A prison, for example. Would you think one could cleverly use such places to help shape Congressional districts to one's favor? You'd be right!

7 thoughts on “Lock Up The Vote

  1. sapient

    Ralph Northam is our only hope for changing the gerrymandering situation in Virginia (among so many other things). Unfortunately, DFA has called him out on something he said (something I disagree with, but whatever), and that threatens to tip a very precarious race. Why do we non-Republicans do this to ourselves?

    Keep hope alive. Somehow.

    1. cleek Post author

      and, not to be tooooo cynical, but i’m about 50% of the way to just letting my first assumption be “this is just Russian trolling”, when this stuff happens.

  2. Countme-a-Demon

    Northam also did this, cowering in the face of the rancid racism of the republican party :


    I condemn Northern for that cuck stupidity. Also, I condemn DFA for their act of small picture stupidity in pulling their endorsement of Northam.

    Stupidity on one side. In the face of Pure Evil on the republican side.

    The case for violent Civil War across the country has advanced another giant step, because elections are pointless in this fucking country. If elections are not outright stolen, by Evil, they elect Evil’s cuck supplicants.

  3. sapient

    I’m not going to click on that Breitbart link, Count, although I know what it’s about, and yeah. Northam won a primary against my preferred candidate, Perriello. But now, Northam has to win. It just has to happen. Otherwise, we’re doomed. Really, we are.

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