The Earth is Not Moving!

In case you'd like some non-political lunacy in your day...

We live in a yin-yang world of duality where everything and its opposite exist together in perfect proportions like male/female, good/evil, hot/cold, knowledge/ignorance, inhale/exhale, dark/light, day/night and of course, sun and moon. Half our lives (the daytime) are ruled by the sun and half our lives (the nighttime) are ruled by the moon. When you look up at the sun and the moon they are in perfect proportion to one another as exemplified during an eclipse. But thanks to a total eclipse of the mind these nihilistic cosmologists have indoctrinated world-wide generations of people to believe Earth itself and all the planets revolve around the sun. That the sun is much larger and farther away, the moon is much smaller and closer, and it's simply our coincidental perspective here on Earth that makes them appear the same size. They have convinced us that the very Earth on which we stand is spinning beneath our feet. So next time you're wondering why it's so difficult to awaken your friends and family to the Atlantean conspiratorial matrix, consider how deep the establishment indoctrination really is, and how easy it is to convince people that up is down and down is up.

There are hundreds of comments below it, where dozens of amateur and professional physicists pop in to point out how geocentrism was thoroughly discredited hundreds of years ago. Each one is dismissed with the same stack of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience - Fake moon landing! Coriolis effect has never been proved! It's the aether! Copernican propaganda!

Good times.

5 thoughts on “The Earth is Not Moving!

    1. cleek Post author

      so i went over there and snooped around to see if he is mentioned (he is! by commenters, though) and … wow. the number of posts about how the earth is flat blew me away.

      did you know it’s impossible for the earth to be round because water always maintains a flat upper surface? if the earth is a sphere, water would have to maintain a curved upper surface, which is clearly impossible!

      i love this quote he chose to use in one of the posts:

      “There are rivers which flow east, west, north, and south – that is, rivers are flowing in all directions over the Earth’s surface, and at the same time. Now, if the Earth were a globe, some of these rivers would be flowing up-hill and others down, taking it for a fact that there really is an ‘up’ and a ‘down’ in nature, whatever form she assumes. But, since rivers do not flow up-hill, and the globular theory requires that they should, it is a proof that the Earth is not a globe.”
      -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe” (85)

      i. just. whahh?

      1. Jewish Steel

        Hoo, boy! Where would you even start to set these people straight?

        I think we must just smile and back out of the room slowly.

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