Why Obama, or rather, Why Not Clinton

John Cole gives five good reasons against Clinton and five good reasons for Obama. I agree 100% on all 10.

Clinton is wearying, and I don't want to live through 4 (or 8!) years of refried wingnut crap from 1996. If she wins, it'll be another decade of anti-Clinton conspiracy theories and constant demands for Congressional investigations. Plus, she seems willing to ignore the line between honorable and dishonorable (as she's making abundantly clear in the primaries), and will probably deserve a good portion of the investigations her opponents demand. Please, spare us.

2 thoughts on “Why Obama, or rather, Why Not Clinton

  1. cleek

    if they stay even through the last of the primaries (up until May at least), it could drag on till august, when the Dems have their big convention… blech.

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