Addicted to Outrage

Google Inc. occasionally features light-hearted doodles on its colorful home-page logo to commemorate special occasions. But now they are drawing criticism from conservatives for not being more patriotic.

The Mountain View, Calif., company bathes its logo in stars and stripes every Independence Day, but last week's decision to honor the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik launch -- the second "g" in Google was replaced with a drawing of the Soviet satellite -- is being blasted by some conservatives.

5 thoughts on “Addicted to Outrage

  1. Ugh

    Jeebus fncking christ. Didn’t they make a big stink about Google not changing its logo for christmas last year? These people really need to stop defining themselves by what they’re against.

  2. Ugh

    god help me if I have to live through the “war on christmas” BS again this year in addition to the non-stop santa-fest that begins the day after Halloween.

  3. cleek

    this year, the Christmas stuff was put out for sale at Lowes, our local hardware megastore, October 1st.

    that means a full 1/4 of the year is Christmas season.

  4. Ugh

    I guess Lowes doesn’t sell candy so they don’t need October to make bank on Halloween. They should just leave it up all year and get it over with.

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