Women Troubles

I'm gonna pull some (most!) of the comments out of this Free Republic thread that I linked to, over in the Web's Golden Bounty, just for posterity.

I apologize if my post appears sexist, but how can statistical FACTS be sexist? This repeated phenomenon of females ELECTING MARXISTS needs to be confronted and defeated. Do females as a whole place more importance on STYLE than they do SUBSTANCE? Don't they realize that when they elect Marxists they are destroying their future children's futures? Why do they not care about or think about this as a consequence of their vote?

For Republicans, THIS IS THE REAL 'ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM' and must be confronted head on. It's time for Republican candidates to call the Democrats out for their manipulation of females with lies and deceptive con games, including the bogus 'War on Women'.


Why are females so easily manipulated by the Democrats?
Because, I have found, that they vote based on feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings.


As your Governor, McAuliffe will help women get two new Obamacare medical mandates:
<><> (1) Orgasmic conditioning---"gynecologists will see an uptick of young patients," said serial fornicator, Sandra Fluck---ObamaCare's Government Orgasm Advisor.
<><> (2) Vaginal rejuvenations----Obamacare is employing surgeons board certified in vaginal rejuvenations (aka "The Wrigley Procedure"--- doubles the pleasure, doubles the fun--lasts longer, too). "


I'm no dummy. I see what I see EVERY election cycle, and what I see is the same OL' SH!T. The Democrats HYPNOTIZE the females against the 'traditional old white guy' party Republican candidate and IT WORKS.


Get used to it. Large majorities of women have traded husbands for government and it’s not going to change in your lifetime.


They epitomize low-information voters.
Their get their talking points from peers in social(ist) networking sites, liberal edited womens’ glossy magazines, and liberal hosted morning tv chat shows.
Would Brangelina, Oprah, and Rosie lie to them?


I don't understand why so few females 'get it', politically. Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachmann, and lots of the ladies on FoxNews and here at FR are sharp conservatives.. I idolize some of them.
There's an emotional factor that trumps all reasoning or logic. Democrats play to this. Perhaps Republicans need to start UNDERSTANDING THIS and PLAYING TO IT, TOO.


“Many if not most women feel as passionately about their right to abortion as Conservatives do about their 2nd Amendment rights”
repeal the 19th amendment.


Sadly brains aren’t always lady parts.


“Sadly brains aren’t always lady parts.”
It’s the depressive effect of estrogens on the brain that is the real problem. I say this as one who’s had to perform at optimal level even while under their influence.
Think of it like being mad at yourself for thinking with your d*ck.


I don’t mind losing less than half the female vote by repealing the 19th if it means we get a more logical conversation on rational issues that amounts to more responsible leadership that speaks to issues and not rubbers, pills and free government stuff.

Good people. Salt of the earth. Morons.

h/t The Red Pen.

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