The Best Kind Of Meeting...

... is one where you walk out with fewer tasks than you had when you went in.

For the past three months, I've been wincing at a gigantic "plan" that's been sitting on my desk, waiting for me to start it. It's not so much a plan as a very vaguely-defined wish list. But even in this rough state, it's clear that it will obviously take a metric ass-load of work to do, no matter what we come up with as the final version. And it's been hard for me to get all the relevant players into a meeting so they can decide on the specifics, and so we can all get a clear idea about how much work it will take. But, today I got my meeting. And after 40 minutes of talking, a little nugget of gold fell out of the key player's mouth - no not his tooth, but rather, it was the fact that what he needs is really just a small tweak to what our product already does. So, instead of needing me to rewrite 90% of what we have, it turns out that what I've already written does 90% of what we need. Awesome! I feel like someone just pulled a big bag of wet sand off my back.
