Category Archives: Pepper

Monday Cat Blogging

Nikon D90

Here, Pete gives Pepper a bite in her neck. I'm pretty sure he's just playing, but he's strong and fast and agile and hasn't learned to play nicely. Pepper is a big lumbering hulk who really just wants to be loved. So, she's getting the worst of it.

He's bolder and more aggressive now, and she's less and less tolerant of him. Friday night, he attacked her and she got howling mad at him. Someone peed on the floor. Then she chased him under the coffee table and trapped him there, growling at him, for 30 minutes. He spent the night locked in the bathroom.

He learned how to get the lid off the big metal bucket in which we store the dry cat food. We came home and the lid was on the floor and he was fat and bloated and happy. That was the only time we've ever seen him fail to eat all the food he could find. He's almost managed to get it off a couple of times since. Now we keep it kept behind closed doors.

Petey, Ya Light

We took Pete to the vet Tuesday, and they ran a bunch of tests on him. But the tests revealed nothing - no infections, no parasites, no interesting levels of anything in any of his fluids or excretions.

The vet did feed him some special prescription-only (!) cat food while they had him, and he tolerated that pretty well. So she gave us some to take home and it seems to have helped quite a lot. He's still not totally right, but the food does seem to stick with him better. So we're giving him the special food, and antibiotics, and probiotics, and Pedialyte (for hydration), and canned pumpkin (for fiber). He's no longer dehydrated and might even be putting on weight. He is always absolutely ravenous and we feed him every few hours. Still, even though food doesn't rush out of him, it comes out ... softer than ideal.

So I'm thinking ... food allergy that hasn't quite settled down? IBS, IBD?

Baby [cat] steps, I guess.


He still officially lives in the bathroom. But he's sneaked past us a couple of times and has seen most of the house and has bumped noses with Pepper. Pepper seems cool about the whole thing. Thankfully. She isn't hissing and spitting like Tricksey was when Pepper showed up.

Nikon D100, 50mm

T wanted Pepper dead, the second she first saw her through this crack in the door.


Has everyone seen the fluffy snow-covered Siberian Farm Cats ?

Pepper wants you all to know that she a Siberian, too. And so was Trickey. They like to look at snow, but don't get much chance to go play in it.

Pepper is built like the cats above: big fluffy body, giant mane, little stumpy legs. T was a runt so she stayed small (but fluffy).


Let me run in the snow like a true Siberian!